I was in the airport last month on my way to visit Fabrice, my long distance boyfriend of only two months. He lives in Florida, and I live in LA. Perhaps I had a friendly glow that day. I don't recall people in LA airports being so friendly, but it seemed that everyone wanted to stir up a conversation, "So where are you off too?"... "Oh, I am off to FL"..."Oh what takes you to Florida"..."Going to visit my boyfriend"... "Oh that's nice...that sure is far...Do you live here in LA? How did you all meet?"..."We met on Twitter..." Without fail, each time I told the story I was met with looks of bewilderment, and awkward smiles..."Twitter? How do you meet someone on Twitter?" My reply is always the same, "I don't know, the same way you meet people at a bar, I presume. It's a social networking site, you talk to people, they talk back, you click, and that's how it happens." The funny thing about that explanation is, I have never actually dated anyone that I met at a bar, but I guess that is much more acceptable to some than meeting someone online, no less on Twitter.
So really, how did we "meet?" Well, for those who know how Twitter works, this will make sense...At some point this summer we began "following" each other via our networks of mutual followers, and friends on Twitter. I honestly am not sure when we started following each other, but I am guessing it was sometime in May, so we'll say that is where the story begins...
May 2009
This summer I was driving to valley for a Ladies Poker Night, and I twitpic'd a lovely picture of Sunday afternoon 405 traffic! Ugh! Gotta love it! @masterluke103 as he is known on Twitter replied to my tweet, and I thought to myself, who is that? he sure is cute! Lol...Of course, I didn't think anything of it, but he had successfully caught my eye amongst the hundreds of tweets in my timeline everyday (I'm following over 200 people). As time passed, I found that not only was @masterluke103 super cute, but he was also very intelligent, and quite witty...We began tweeting each other often, and the tweeting slowly turned to flirting...I was impressed by his macho manly man banter, and his intelligent, and cynical sense of humor... and he seemed to get a kick out of my giggly, sunny, optimism. Over the course a month of flirty tweets, we had planned an elaborate imaginary "Marmalade Party" Tweetup (Twitter Meetup), where we'd meet up and make marmalade while drinking beer, and watching scarface with another mutual twitter buddy, and my personal friend @gylliwilli (Gyll)...I know what you're thinking, how corny can this get! But this is a true story! Lol...I often tweet about the Food Network, to which he would often reply indulging me in conversations about favorite foods, and recipes, and....you guessed it! Marmalade...I playfully invited him to join me and Gyll for a Marmalade Party, to which he replied that he'd have to decline because it sounded like furthest thing from a manly activity. I offered to throw in beer and Scarface and he was sold...and so the real hardcore twitter flirting began...
July 2009
My new friend, @masterluke103 quickly became one of my fave "tweeps" to chat with everyday. If I didnt see him online, I'd put out a "Where is @masterluke103 today?" APB and he'd quickly reply. I guess my twitter crush (though I had not admitted it to myself) had become quite obvious because sure enough, Gyll called me out on one day. Now, I have to back up a second and say that I had received several messages from other guys on twitter asking for my number, and so on, but @masterluke103 was not biting! So one day my friend Gyll and I are having a conversation about "Twitter Boos" and she says to me "You and Masterluke would make a good match. You guys seem compatible"...The biggest smile spread across my face, and I replied, "You think so?" And that was it. With that conversation, I acknowledged that perhaps I did have a crush on this guy...on Twitter??? Oh brother, what was I getting myself into?
To be continued...
Make you a blog about yo boo! This is so cute Ebo! Share the love with the world wide web...
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