Let me give you the back story. Saturday mornings are our special time to catch up. We usually spend hours talking about everything under the sun on Saturday morning. Last Saturday, Fabrice happened to call me while I was in the middle of a little online window shopping. I had just run across a pair of SUPER CUTE Nine West boots on sale. Being the true cyber couple that we are, I quickly sent him the link on gchat to get his opinion, and he replied "Naw, don't get those.. they're not even hot. They're wack... Besides you're already spending a lot of money this month on Vegas (i'm taking him there for his 28th birthday) and those look like all your other boots." So my excitement quickly deflated and I decided to pass on the boots. What I didn't know was that AS HE MUTTERED "THOSE ARE WACK," HE WAS CLICKING "ADD TO CART!!!"
So today, he keeps asking me when I'm going home, and if I was planning on going to the gym first. So I'm thinking to myself, what is he up to? he is plotting something over there... so I asked him on gchat, "What are you plotting over there?" No reply, so I said "oh, it must be a secret plot because you are not replying...hehehe...I love it when you're sneaky. it turns out well :)" A few more minutes pass and he finally replies, "Naw, no plots. I wanted you to measure my coat that I left in your closet. Wanted you to measure the waist. I saw a black one the other day that's on sale, but wanted to see if it needed adjustments or if it was the same." And guess what, I FELL FOR THAT RANDOM STORY!!! Can you guys believe that? smh...well, he was definitely plotting, and I was so surprised! Is he not the most thoughtful man ever? And you know what he said when I called him to say thank you? "I just wanted to make you smile like you're doing right now... you sound so happy."
Git em Eboni Saint Elle!
awwww! What a cute love storY!!!
How adorable! I love it ;)
lol @putting my typographical error on blast. Glad you liked the boots though.
hehehe! Hi Esh, Hi Lexi! Yes, he is soooooo adorable!
Honey, I couldn't help myself.. it was an essential part of the story!
i randomly stubbled across your bolg and this love story is soo beautiful!!! i wish you two the best :)
OM GOSH you are soooooooo coooolllllllllll. AHHHHHHHHHH. Lol I love manga!!! Naruto included!!! What are some of your favorite manga other than Naruto?
Btw 1: You're soooo pretty!
Btw 2: Your fiancee is AWESOME!!! So sweet!!!!!!! So adorable!!!!!
Ahhh, amour, c'est bien n'est pas?
God bless!
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